The Thank You Bouquet £50

The Thank You Bouquet £50

from £10.00

A gorgeous hand tied bouquet made to be presented to those lovely people who have helped make your day so wonderful.

These are made as larger, looser designs wrapped beautifully and ready to gift to your kind, generous folk who have helped you to get to your wedding celebrations.

All designs have a relaxed and undone feel rather than over-wrought and over-thought. Don’t forget that you can request small additions to your chosen palette to personalise and make it your own. You can do this by adding notes in the ‘Additional Comments’ box at check out. For example, you could say ‘Please add tones of purple to Hot Popping Colour’ or ‘Please add sunshine yellows to Timeless Elegance’.

Images show our take on Timeless Elegance adding in putty grey-pinks to classic whites, creams and greens.

Please note:

If your wedding is more than 6 weeks away you can choose to pay either 20% of the cost at checkout or the full amount. If your wedding is less than 6 weeks away you will need to pay the full cost at checkout. Please see our FAQ’s here for more information.

Please note that any additions/edits are made across the the whole order rather than per design.

Palette Choice:
I'll take it!